Wednesday, November 14, 2012

See Jane get pissed....

I just read Stephanie's blog entry from yesterday, and it inspired me to post a famous campaign that always made me furious. Anybody remember this anti-aids/pro-condom advert from the late 1980s?:

I'm sure the Grandma in Stephanie's Fox News story would take exception with the term "dick," but that's not my issue with this campaign. I first saw it when I was in high school on a field trip to Washington D.C. I'm pretty sure we were in Georgetown at a funky shop called Commander Salamander (now unfortunately closed) when I saw this poster on the wall, and it immediately filled me with ire.

Created by the generally forward-thinking Global Protection Corp, this supposedly humorous ad intends to encourage safe heterosexual sex by borrowing the most ubiquitous children's book couple on the planet.  The only problem is that "Jane" is conspicuously missing from the picture. Instead, we have an utterly dehumanized "fox" . . . she has no name, no agency, no personhood, and no narrative purpose other than to be a disease carrying vector and the cause of poor Dick's untimely demise. I was all of 15 when I saw this, and I remember thinking, how is it that a simple stick drawing could make me feel so utterly alienated?

Disappointing on so many levels..... I'd like to get all the "foxes" of the world to unite and launch their own anti-dick campaign. If anyone has any ideas for copy or stick drawings they'd like to share, please do so below.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out, Beth. I am not familiar with the campaign and completely see your point. In addition to Jane having no identity, this ad assumes that Jane would sleep with Dick and would not advocate for condoms for her own health. This ad doesn't even care if Jane ends up in a box, which I'm assuming she might if she was a carrier as this ad implies. If I were to rewrite this ad, it might not gain as much attention, but here it is: See Dick and Jane. See Dick and Jane in Bed. See Dick and Jane use a condom. Be like Dick and protect It.

    If I were writing an response to this ad...that is tricky. How about this: See Fox kick Dick. See Dick exclaim. See Fox shout, my name is Jane.

    Okay, those might not win me any awards, but it is 1:50 am and I am out of creativity. Thanks for sharing!
